【Joomdle】 設定(optional)
Removing the default Moodle login page (redirect the Moodle login page to Joomla!)
- Define an alternate login URL for Moodle, so that Moodle users never see the Moodle login page. We recommend that you don't enable this until everything is up, testing, testing again, tested one more time, and running. Oh did we say, test first before you do this!
- Site administration->Plugins->Autenticathion->Manage autenthication: Alternate Login URL. Here we put Joomla URL.
- If you are using Moodle in a wrapper, you can use this URL, so Joomla login page won't appear inside the wrapper:http://yoursite.com/components/com_joomdle/views/wrapper/getout_login.php